Q: I left an abusive situation and stayed at the Ann Elmore Transition House, then came to treatment and will soon have completed my program. How do I apply for Eagle Harbour?
Leaving an abusive relationship can seem overwhelming. Women often leave several times before finally deciding to end the relationship. There are many complicated reasons why it is difficult to leave. You may have doubts or fears or just feel overwhelmed at the thought of leaving. That’s normal.
For those who have lived through the trauma of an abusive or violent partner, they may expect an instant sense of relief once they’ve escaped, a calming relief after they close the door on that chapter of their lives.
Getting out of the abusive situation is the first step toward healing and moving on in your life, but unfortunately, your work doesn’t end there. Once you are physically safe and secure, it is a good idea to seek support for any abuse-related difficulties you may face. For example, violence and abuse does not simply disappear just because the relationship has ended. It continues, often escalating, because the abuser sees the woman’s decision to leave as an act of defiance of his power and control.
You may face other challenges and difficulties, such as substance misuse issues. Using alcohol and other substances is a common way of coping with the pain of abuse. It’s important to not blame yourself for having been abused. No matter what, abuse is never your fault!
You have no control over whether you are being abused, and little control over how that abuse impacts you. What you do have control over is the choice to seek support.
Eagle Harbour will provide opportunities for women to contribute to the overall maintenance and well-being of their living environment for the purpose of promoting self-reliance and empowerment.
Eagle Harbour’s second stage Program is for women and families who are recovering from violence or abuse. The Eagle Harbour second-stage program includes time-limited subsidized housing and specialized services for clients, with or without children, who are impacted by homelessness, abuse, violence, and/or substance misuse. We provide support and information in areas such as safety planning, recovery, parenting, tenancy readiness, health and well-being, advocacy, and referrals.
The Eagle Harbour long-term housing is for women over 54 who have a very limited income.
For more information about Eagle Harbour, including when applications will be available, visit: https://www.annelmorehouse.ca/eagle-harbour
If in crisis, please phone 250-286-3666, toll-free 1-800-667-2188, or text-only 250-895-1773.
Ask Rose-Ann is meant to offer helpful resources and info about violence against women, homelessness, mental health and/or substance misuse. It may help to hear validation from a violence against women advocate or find a support group of other survivors. Have a question for Ask Rose-Ann? Click here to fill out the anonymous form.
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