Our Mission Statement:
"The Campbell River and North Island Transition Society works, with a feminist perspective, to achieve a balance of power in society. We provide safe shelter and access to community based resources for women and children."

Campbell River and North Island Transition Society
WE BELIEVE that each women has the right to decide for herself the direction of her life according to her own values, beliefs, and needs.
WE BELIEVE that in order to make her decisions, each woman requires a safe place where her values are accepted and respected, and where she will not need to fear either physical or psychological abuse.
WE WILL explore with each woman who comes to us the alternatives available to her; to help her examine the advantages and disadvantages and practicality of each alternative; and to encourage her to make her choices for herself.
WE WILL support each woman in following through with the decisions she makes.
WE BELIEVE that each woman involved with the Transition House can make a unique contribution to the House and should be given the opportunity to do so.
WE BELIEVE that along with that opportunity must come the responsibility to share in the work of and the decision making for the Transition House, and to respect the philosophy and guidelines set down by the Society.
WE BELIEVE that each woman has the right to know what her responsibilities are, recognizing that these will vary according to her individual talents and roles within the House.
WE BELIEVE that in order to remain acceptable to the largest possible number of women, we MUST remain an a-political Transition House, associated neither with any political party nor with any larger socio-political movement. This does not mean that we should refrain from keeping up-to-date with pertinent social issues nor from working with other organizations to improve services to women in transition.
WE BELIEVE that the confidentiality of the women who come to us is sacrosanct and should be protected at all costs.
WE BELIEVE that, because we are spending public money, we must be fiscally responsible, strive to get the best value for our money at all times and keep appropriate accounts.